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BOOK REVIEW - The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

Have you ever felt you trying your best until you lose yourself? If yes, this book is made for you :) 

" The Gifts of Imperfection "

New York Times Best Seller with Over 2 Million Copies Sold

Writer : Brene Brown

Pages : 137

Price : IDR 255,000

Big thanks to Brene Brown who wrote this book because this book is one of my favorite books. Yep, so far this book is still at the top level in the book world for me. This book has shaped my perspective a lot, helped me a lot to know myself better. Maybe I have read this book more than 5 times.

You could say my character is quite hard on myself, lil bit awkward, and always looking for perfection in life.
I feel that I have to be perfect. But without realizing it, the perfectionist character often brought me down. If you feel that your character is quite tough and a perfectionist, this book is the right book and you must read it till finish.

I am really impressed by Brene Brown's choice of words in this book and how she studied the psychology of a perfectionist before she writes this book.

This book focuses on the mentality of someone who always try to be perfect in her lifes until she loses herself.

"If we live perfect, act perfect, look perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment and shame. It's a shield"

"Because when we invariably do experience judgment, shame, and blame, we often believe it is because we weren't perfect enough. So rather than questioning the faulty logic of perfectionism we become even more entrenched in our quest to live, look, and do everything just right"

Yes. It's a shield. I felt that.

When what we do doesn't work, in the end we always feel that we are not perfect enough. Feelings of fear of being blamed, so we choose to look perfect and act perfect, which makes it difficult for us to accept our shortcomings, making it increasingly difficult for us to forgive our mistakes.

Acting perfectly is not something we should always be proud of, maybe we want to be perfect because we are still hurt inside, still full of shadows of mistakes. This book really helped my life to stop being so hard on myself. Guide me to accept myself more, love myself more, and be who i am without fear of being blamed without being afraid of appearing imperfect.

With Love,

D <3