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Bye 2022

Hi December 2022! Finally we met. 

I have waited for you since January 2022 :) I was very excited and curious too what the lessons that i can learn in the last of this amazing year. Also we never know what kind of surprise from God in 2022. :) 

If you always healthy in this year, that's a gift from God.

if you met a lot amazing people, that's a gift from God. That's a blessing.

if this year you can sleep well, you can eat anything you want, you still can do many things you like. That's a gift from God. 

Lets count, how many good persons you have met in this year? maybe some stranger who helped you when you need a help.. maybe you met a grab driver or uber driver who tried to cheer you up when you were in a bad condition "Hi sir/mam, don't be sad! everything will be fine".. maybe this year you got a new friend who really care about you.. or maybe you finally found someone who loves you.

I'm pretty sure God sent you so many good persons in this year. And that's a gift. You are blessed.

Also, i'm sure you ate good foods since January 2022, right? McDonalds, sushi, noodles, ice cream. Do you know how many people in this year who can't even eat whatever they want just because their health condition? They can't eat noodles, they can't eat McD.. look at you :) you can eat anything you want. Please be grateful for that. You are lucky!!!

I know maybe for some of you guys, 2022 is hard. And even for me. But i'm not gonna focus on that.

If you are losing someone in this year, you failed your exam, you didn't get promotion, don't focus on that. I told you so many good things happened in this year. You just need to wait and do your best and focus on good things like i said before.

Maybe you planned to have a car in this year, because your friends got a nice car. You planned to buy a new phone or anything!! But look at you right now, reading my articles with a comfy tshirt, or maybe you are eating a good meals while reading my articles which is that's a good thing. Not everyone can have a good meals or a comfy tshirt just like you. And i believed if you want to fight for your dreams, for your new car and something that you really want i know you can have it oneday!

And let's talk about lessons :) i got so many lessons since January 2022:)

I'll be gentle here. I'm telling you all...

I made a mistakes, i overthink, too perfectionist, sometimes i push myself too hard, i realized i usually make a distance with most of the people and that's make them think that i am arrogant which is i never meant to be like that.. that's because my trust issues. 

I shouldn't be like that. How come i'm writing a lot about positivity but i got trust issues. I should believe that not everyone want to do something bad to me. That's my lessons in 2022 and i want to fix that. And i hope you want to do the same in the next year:)  Or don't wait for next year because you can always fix yourself, fix your mind, fix your heart any time!! And this is important to know your mistakes, take a lessons from everything happened in 2022, and never stop to improve yourself.

To everyone who hurts me in this year, i forgive you.

And i also apologize if i did something bad to you in this year maybe from my acts, my thoughts, and what i said to you 

Cheers!! :) 

I'M SOOO EXCITED FOR 2023!! and.. i hope i will be able to write more articles here 

And okay... LASTTT. I'm very confused why so many people from another countries visited my journal in this year?! Hey I got the notification! Not really specific actually i don't know what's your name, but i know the location.. it's from German, Finland, USA, and so many people from other countries and until Makkah? I'm so happy!! If you are not from Indonesia and you are reading this article right now, i just wanna say thank you so much :) I know i have only few articles in English and mostly in Bahasa, but okay next time i will write in English! 

Thanks to everyone who have visited my journal in 2022

with Love, D.
